So, this morning dawn, Amar hit me with a Facebook (yes, I know) message. Damn, I am an early bird, but at that time of day, I only get spam hits from bitcoin sellers dressed up as American single moms. To make the matters worse and even more suspicious - he didn't sound drunk, so I feared that something bad had happened (the power of negative thinking, I should write a self-help book on that).
Nope, it turned out it was a moment of inspiration. He had set up this place and wanted to share the joy. 🙂 My first thought was:

We already have WebHostingTalk (WHT link), LowEndTalk (LET link), and LowEndSpirit (LES link). Why create another forum?
I think that forums are great - a lot better than social networks, because they are not corporate-owned (and censored), but they can be(come) a real community. And they are better for sharing knowledge - with their structured topics and search options. I mean: good luck trying to find your post from a few years ago on Linkedin.
However, dividing the community into many separate forums is not ideal. That is the main reason why, on my (mostly cycling-related) websites, I direct people to (for English) and forum for my Serbocroatian-speaking countrymen.
Amar said he wanted to build something nice and watch it grow. That's something I've experienced and can relate to. But what about the other forum members? Why would anyone join this place? What is the Hosting Forums' leitmotif?
Those were the questions Amar answered in an email. It, boils down to making a LES-like community (healthy, positive, and uncensored), but focusing on quality, not only on (dirt)cheap offers. In other words, this is sort of a mix between the WHT (but without the outrageously nonsense moderating policy) and LES (but without the, in my opinion, unrealistically low max. price limits for high-quality hosting).
Makes sense, it's worth a shot, so I agreed to help get this up and running and take a share of the administration/moderation load.
And here we are. 🙂
Welcome to Hosting Forums.
Relja Novović